Friday 16 November 2012

An appeal for crowdfunding

I’m looking for contributions to fund a research project on evaluation of learning and development.  Although focused on Scotland, the project should have clear implications for the wider world.

I discovered crowdfunding when a friend’s son, a photographer, was involved with a group of people in making a short film, and they used it to raise all the funding they needed.  The website they chose was sponsume, and after looking around, that’s the one I chose too.

I’m a director of Airthrey Ltd, the learning evaluation solutions business, which aspires to conduct research into learning evaluation.  But opportunities are rare, so Airthrey set up its own research project, The State of Learning Evaluation in Scotland, and looked for partners to co-fund it.  As none were forthcoming, Airthrey has fallen back on crowdfunding.

The project will look at how medium-to-large organisations in Scotland evaluate their learning and development.  The idea is to find out who’s having success with their evaluation – the sort of success everyone would want – and to find out why they are successful.  The project is a pioneering use of Professor Robert O Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method, the first time this method has been applied at the level of an entire country.  More information about the project is at the Airthrey website.

The appeal part of this blog post is that I’m asking you to go to our sponsume page and make a donation, however small, to help fund the project.  And I’m also asking you to share this appeal with anyone else you know who may be interested, in the hope that they too may donate.

Please help us fund this valuable project.

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